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Our Lady of Divine Water


A simple and elegant homage to the Blessed Mother that commands attention.

Our Lady of Divine Water refers to a miracle cure using water, in Ocotlan, Central Mexico (pronounced oh-coat-lawn). As a villager was looking for clean water for his relatives to cure them, he suddenly spotted a beautiful woman in the forest with a “heavenly smile.” She showed him a cold spring bubbling from the ground and instructed him to give it to all who were sick. Everyone who drank this water was restored to health. The woman disappeared into the woods, but later, a statue was found inside the trunk of a tree where she was originally spotted. The turquoise center stone reminds us of this healing water, and is also a stone that is native to the area. The turquoise is set in a Crown of Mary featuring the 12 stars associated with the Virgin Mary dating back to the book of Revelations. Hand polished sterling silver. Note: not only is the turquoise native to this general region, early Catholic paintings feature this color prominently. For information on our basic and deluxe chains, please visit our FAQ page. Display your love and devotion to Our Lady’s help of the downtrodden with this turquoise stone indigenous to the native regions of the Americas.